There is a new post in the “5 Dysfunctions” series up at Desperation and Destiny. If you are, or desire to be a, leader, then you need to read this post about the importance of commitment. Here is an excerpt:

Darrin Patrick, Vice President of Acts 29 Network and Lead Pastor of The Journey, St. Louis, has recently revealed that, in America, “1500 pastors permanently leave the ministry each month due to a moral failure, spiritual burnout, or contention in their churches.” This means that every year in the United States alone, 18,000 men stop pretending to be leaders. “Slow down,” you say, “maybe these men left the ministry, but that surely doesn’t mean they were simply pretending to be leaders.” My response is that leaders lead; pretenders quit.

Read the full post at Pastor Jamie’s blog, Desperation and Destiny (